Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hogle Zoo

I really hate going to Hogle Zoo, but I have been trying to do fun things with Lennon before her baby sister rocks her world & we are trapped at home for a while. I completely forgot about the size of the zoo and all the hills, which was really fun pushing her around while nine months pregnant! Oh well, I survived.

The 2 zebras recently died and Lennon was saying "zebras dead" so matter of fact and so loud. Since then she has said when asked what the babies name is "babies dead". Nice!

Here's a couple of pics I took while we were there.


Stacey said...

I'm cracking up at the "baby's dead" comment! I love how she does the cheese ball smile like Maximus.

Z and S said...

Congrats on the baby! Oh and did the reptile house still stink really bad? Last year I couldn't even walk through it because it was making me gag.